Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Je, wazijua faida za kuvaa Corset?

Habari zenu #TeamTrudy's,

Baada ya kukuonyesheni corset tops sasa napenda nikuelezeni faida ya kuvaa Corsets kwa nyie akina dada, mafashonista, warembo, ladies wa ukweli mnaojiopenda na mkapendeka.

Unajua Corsets can help and heal people in many ways – physically, mentally, emotionally. It affects much more than our egos and bank accounts. Sometimes corsets become our therapy, our medical devices, and to some, even part of our identity.Kama ulikua hulijui hilo shoga sasa ujue haya sasa tufuatilie mtririko huuu.....

Corsets are helpful in minimizing menstrual cramps in women haswa kwa wale ambao wakati wa periods zako tumbo linauma…
Kwenye kupunguza maumivu, zina saidia minimize back pain and correct posture, to help those with past injuries (e.g. car accidents, slipped discs), neurological disorders (e.g. tics, ataxia) na kukufanya u- relax na kuwa mcheshi zaidi 
Corsets or corset tops are sometimes used by singers as a support; they provide resistance against which the diaphragm can push, which can help the singer achieve higher or more powerful notes. Ndio maaana macelebrities wengi kama Keri Hilson, Rihanna, Beyoncé na Britney Spears wanapenda kuvaa corset sana wakati wako jukwaani si kwa ajili ya fashion pekee yake ila kwa sababu hii pia.
Britney Spears akiimba jukwaani akiwa amevaa Corset top not only as a fashion symbol ila pia kumsaidia kutoa sauti kali na yenye nguvu 
Corsets are used as a weight loss aid – they do not allow much expansion of the stomach, thus helping to control appetite and reduce food portions. Sasa sio ukajibane tumbo uache mazoezi na kula vizuri shosti....hii inasaidia tu.
Perhaps the most prominent would be the fact that women today are liberated and empowered to wear what they like. As in the west, African women these days are not forced to comply with hard fashion rules; they are free to choose what to wear and what not to wear, in almost any combination and this is why I love corsets paired with trousers maana sisi waafrica na shepu zetu tunapendeza zaidi kwenye suruali zaidi ya wazungu you know! Na kama umezipenda, basi karibu sana Trudy's Intimate Apparel Store ujichagulie za kwako kwa bei poa.
Trudy's Intimate Apparel Store tupo Mwenge nyuma ya jingo la Jamirex/Azania bank baada ya masjid ya Mwenge na kabla ya kufika Tamal Hotel. Call 0653 005544

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Je wazijua Corset Tops!!!

Habari zenu mashostito wangu, leo tutaongelea corsets na tutaanza na corset tops. So  tuanze hivi; Corset tops ni nini??  

Corset Tops are sexy garments fitted to the torso ( yaani kiwiliwili) and have a very slimming effect on a woman's figure, designed to make a woman look curvy by holding in the waist. Yaani inakupa mwonekano wa umbo au figure namba nane (8).

Most corset tops zimetengenezwa au zimeshonwa out of stretch satin or lace, often fitted with hook and eye closures that run up the back or sometimes they are laced up. Zimeundwa zivaliwe juu ya kiwiliwili chako so that kiuno chako na hips zako zionekane vizuri

Corset tops are worn under a suit or clothing to give the feeling of sensuality or to provide an extra lift and be helpful as bridal lingerie under the dress, providing that slimming effect and lift you want for that special occasion. Au unaweza kuvaa corset top na jeans yako au hot pants zako na bado ukaonekana sexy sana.

Available at Trudy's
Celebrities  ambao tunawafahamu that love wearing corsets tops  ni  kama Rihanna, Keri Hilson na Beyonce. Waangalie wakimix corset tops na nguo zingine wanavotoka
Rihanna wote tunamjua kuwa ni fashionista kweli, hapa kavaa Corset top na pants

Corset top na skirt  na bado katokelezea kweli
Keri Hilson ye ni mmoha wa madada wanaopenda kuvaa corset tops pia
 Mrs. Carter pia hua hapendi kuachwa nyuma.

So if you wanna look like our model in the first three pictures au kutoka na swagga za divas tuliowachagua, please pita Trudy's Intimate Apparel Store - Mwenge  nyuma ya jingo la Jamirex ujipatie yako....kama kawaida kwa bei poa.

Don't miss mtiririko wa fashion info za Corsets na faida unazopata ukizivaaa, just remember kitu kimoja, as much as they are intimate garments you can also wear them katika occasion mbalimbali depending umevaaa corset ya aina gani.

Haya wapenzi karibuni and stay tuned for more......

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Whatever your Swag, Whatever your Style, Whatever your Size #We've got it

Hello tena Trudy's fans and followers!

Wapenzi, nafikiri kila mmoja wenu akisoma kuhusu Trudy's Intimate Apparel store, ataona tumesema we offer high quality affordable lingerie ranging from naughty, sexy, provocative and playful panties, bras, nightwear, swimwear and beachwear for women of all ages, sizes and curves!!!!  Yes all sizes and curves!!!!

So kama ni shabiki wetu and you keep visiting our platform you will have noticed that we've been posting pictures of very beautiful Tanzanian models. Please Usiondoke thinking....we don't cater for women of all sizes and curves. Leo I'm going to assure you that we do stock  chupi, bra, night dresses  za size na maumbo tofauti .

My dear, in this day and age under wears essentially evolved from a point of modesty to a need for hygiene to a means of expressing sexuality. Kama ulikua hujui, now you know!!! Today we can find a diverse array of underwear that cater to all different shapes, sizes and needs. Kama unabisha angalia how a woman blessed with curves can look dazzling sexy and confident with her body akivaaa the right stuff.

Baadhi yetu tumekariri ili tupendeze lazima uvae seti, not quite  true, you can rock chupi na bra tofauti na bado ukapendeza. !!Feeling sexy, brings out the confidence in you/Kujisikia sexy kunakufanya ujiamini shoga!!!

Siku moja moja my dear readers, show your partner just how sexy you are with a little ride on the animal print side. You vixen, you!!!!

Usiogope kujaribu, play with colours!! Kama unavo mechisha gauni na viatu na pochi na unapigilia accessories....hata nguo za ndani don't be afraid na kujaribu mitindo tofauti ya nguo za ndani....unapopendeza utajisikia vizuri  na mpenzi wako pia!!!

Our dear fans, followers and supporters kama kawaida ya Trudy's....kila bra/sidiria and panties you see in these picture zinapatikana dukani kwetu Mwenge nyuma ya Jengo la Jamirex/Azania Bank na kabla tu hujafika Tamal hotel and our contacts are: 0653 005544. Karibuniiiiii

Monday, August 5, 2013

Just in for Festive Season!!! - Bras

Hi all,

Jamani, how many of you mnahesabu siku kama mimi? Yaani count down to Eid...pia kuna possibility ya long weekend mashosti. Upewe nini kingine jamani...at least get time to chill with your loved ones as well as some time to groom yourself.
Najua mwingine atataka kulala, mwingine kwenda beach, mwingine to do her pedicure and manicure,kufanya body wax or just waxing your legs or trying the bikini wax coz unataka kwenda swimming....activities ni nyingi mwaya!!!
Sisi kama Trudy's Intimate Apparel store tumejianda to fit into any of those activities that you will choose.
For those who will what to do some retail therapy kidogo leo tutakuonesha just a sneak peek ya BRA collection tuliyokuandalia.
Tunaanza na animal print, this is always sexy and brings the animal in you if you know what I mean hahaha!! Miaaauuuuuuu!!!!
This bra is just gorgeous for it has the figure hugging characteristics

For those who love to put on stuff that are 100% Cotton, this black with pale blue lace is the winner
100% Cotton lovers, this is just beautiful and I'm sure you agree with me
and don't worry you can always get the bra washing techniques right here on our blog
The most famous of all our figure hugging bra we have in stock, come buy one and you'll understand why we and our customers say its the most famous "figure hugging bra"
Hahaha! kila moja wetu lazima awe na atleast one black bra jamani...
As I said it earlier this is just a sneak peek at what we have in stock for this festive season.....come one came all mjipatie vitu quality kwa bei poa usisahau kuwahi maana siku zote mjanja ndiye aliyewahi kukikapata kitu au vipi shostizzz! 
We are located in Mwenge behind the Jamirex building and just before Tamal hotel.....you'll see our logo or better yet piga simu 0653 005544 kwa maswali zaidi...karibuniiiiiiiii!

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Just in for the festive season!!! - Panties

Za siku jamani fans wote wa Trudy's Intimate Apparel, I  hope mko poa mwaya!!! Bila kuchelewa, si mnajua mfungo ndiyo huoooo unakwisha na Idd inajongea....its time to spoil yourselves tena ladies na kama kawaida yetu Trudy's tumewatayarishia viwalo babu kubwa vya size, material na style mbali mbali kwa ajili yenu mashostito mnaojipenda na kujua  umuhimu wa kupendeza ndani na nje!!!
Chupi zenye cut ya kawaida
Polka Dots mixed na lace at the back
Florals siku zote zina mvutto wa kipekee
Lace ipo mahali pake 
Animal prints always bring the sexy back
Madoido ya staki shida upande mmoja  zipooo
Polka dots za kila aina zipo za kutosha
Black is always beautiful jamani
Kila design na size zipo....kuanzia ndogo mpaka kubwa kuliko
Material laini sana zinazo massage mwili zipooo!!!
Za 100%  Cotton  nazo zipo katika rangi tofauti
Wenye kujua rangi waniita hii powder pink
Thongs na G-strings zipo!!!! 
Thong za Cotton kwa wenye ngozi sensitive
Hot red T-stings zipoo!!
Purple is always cute
Kitu white!!!!
Florals hazikukatai siku zote
Na kwa leo, hizo ni chache tu za kukupa idea dukani kumependezaje. Bei zetu cheeeeee kuanzia 3000 mpaka 5000 tu!!!!!!
Karibu sana ma-fans wetu, kuwahi ndo ujanja siku hizi karibuni sana dukani kwetu Mwenge nyuma ya jingo la Jamirex na kabla hujafika Tamal hotel...
Kwa maelekezo zaidi piga 0653 005544

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Just in, and in limited Stock

Hellos Trudy's fans and supporters,
Karibuni dukani kwetu Mwenge tuna mzigo mpya na uko in limited stock. Yaani ukinunua sasa hivi mtakuwa wachache wenye products hizi kwa sasa hapa Dar.
Bra Top Camis 
Our dear esteemed customers, karibuni sana mpate vitu vya ukweli vikiambatana na service nzuri. Remember all these are in limited stock.
For more info contact: 0653 005544 or info.trudysintimateapparel@gmail.com
or visit our facebook page: www.facebook.com/TrudysIntimateapparel and our twitter handle being @TrudyIntApparel

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mavazi ya ndani ya wapenzi wetu - #TrudysPureFacts

"Heat lowers sperm count. The temperature in the scrotal area can affect sperm production. If you want to produce more sperm, fertility experts recommend not wearing thick underwear or tight short."

- Yaaani kwa lugha nyepesi rafiki zangu ni kwamba; wataaalam wanasema, joto hupunguza idadi ya manii kwasababu huaribu utengenezaji wake. Hivyo basi wanashauri mwanaume avae chupi au boxer zisizombana sana maana husababisha eneo la siri kuwa najoto ambayo huathiri utengenezaji wa manii.

 So ladies,  kwa  wale ambao you are trying, you know! to get a baby?? do the needful..next time you buy your man a pair of boxers....be sure it not tight and its made of 100% cotton coz spandex inaleta joto balaa hapa Dar, na pia huondoa harufu mbaya itokanayo na jasho.

Better yet, next time  ukipita Trudy's Intimate Apparel Shop kujichukulia zako mchukulie hata moja. Karibuniiii!

Cotton Boxer Shorts
Cotton Boxers
Now AVAILABLE at Trudy's Intimate Apparel for that Special Person in your Life