Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Why women should wear cotton underwear!!!

Je, unajua kua kwa kuvaa chupi za cotton unapunguza miwasho, harufu  na discharge chafu kwenye "Vejaay jaay "yako?
Hii ni kwasababu chupi za cotton zinapunguza unyevu unyevu katika sehemu za siri na kufanya eneo hilo kupumua. Kwenda na fasheni muhimu ila cha muhimu zaidi ni mwanamke mrembo awe ana chupi zake kazaa za cotton maana zitamfanya awe comfortable na mwenye "Vejaay jaay" yenye afya hasa kipindi cha periods.

Kumbuka cotton underwears pia zinakuja na rangi tofauti, cut na fitting tofauti, na madoido mengi tu ambayo ukizivaa you’ll still feel and look sexy.
Kwa kitambua hili, Trudy’s Intimate Apparel inakuletea punguzo babukubwa kwa ajili ya msimu huu wa sikukuu….

Available at Trudy’s Intimate Apparel Shop – Mwenge at discounted prices…..

Wahi sasa upate za kwako at Trudy’s Intimate Apparel Shop – Mwenge at discounted prices…..

Wahi sasa upate za kwako at Trudy’s Intimate Apparel Shop – Mwenge at discounted prices…..


Discounts go as low as 2500 Tshs per pc [on selected items]

For more info and call 0653 005544 Now or visit our facebook page: www.facebook.com/TrudysIntimateApparel


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Bra/Sidiria Care: Long Live Your Bra

Tukiwa tunaaga mwezi wa awareness ya Breast Cancer tunakuletea tena mfululizo wa mafunzo/mawaiza au kuelezana kuhusu kama kichwa cha habari kinavosema....matunzo ya bra yako....Sasa ndio you have just found it! The perfect bra. It fit's. It flatters. It's fabulous. Now, how do you keep it that way? Your new bra won't last forever but, by following the care instructions, you can prolong its life. With proper care, an everyday bra will last six months to a year.

Unatakiwa ufanyeje: Bra Washing
Bras should be washed kila baada unapoitumia maana mafuta au lotions na perfume ulizojipaka mwilini ukichanganya na jasho na deodorant yako zinaweza weka doa kwenye sidiria yako/bra [Natumaini ushamwona shoga/shoti ako moja bra yake ilivobadilika rangi] vyote hivi pia huweza punguza nguvu ya elastic iliyopo kwenye straps za bra zako.So shosti, kufua kila mara muhimu maana itaepusha uharibifu huu. Pia when washing, ni muhimu kufuata instructions za manufacturers na kama bra yako aina basi fuatilia hii topic ujifunze zaidi.

Weka maji (yasiyo ya moto) kwenye ndoo or beseni…then loweka kidogo tu isizidi 5 MINUTES, ndiyo….nimesema isizidi dakika 5 kama unatumia sabuni ya unga! Kua mwangalifu unapotumia sabuni ya kipande maana haiyeyuki haraka na usiposuuza vizuri tu itaharibu rangi ya bra/sidiria yako. Haya tuendelee…..Sugua taratibu na sio kama unafua kanga au shuka jamani. Ukimaliza suuza yani rinse vizuri na maji baridi( siyo yaliyotoka kwenye friji) usikamue kama kanga au jeans….ikandamize tu mikoni maji yatoke.When you are done kinachofuata ni kuanika/kukausha bra yako.

Manufacturers understand their products. Care instructions, while brief, are always right. It's a good idea to follow instructions na kutofua bra zako na nguo zinazotoa rangi.

Wataalam tunakushauri kuwa: "Bras should always be line dried,"  Usikaushe kwa pasi, kuweka chini ya godoro wala njia yoyote ile zaidi ya kuanika kwenye kamba au sehemu iliyo flat kama kwenye majani labda (chunga wadudu tu) na siyo kwenye mawe  maana utakua unaikaanga jua likiwa kali. Usianike kwenye jua kali sana maana rangi zitapauka ila cha muhimu fuata maelezo uliyowekewa kwenye lebo bibie.


Mwanamke usafi babu…..sio ukishazianua you  toss them in the drawer…hazitadumu kabisa…kwanza kama za wire zitapinda…

panga vizuri na kama huna kabati kua mbunifu kama nlivokuonesha kwenye picha hapa chini....

What you should remember bibie:
  • Wear bras in rotation. If you find a bra that you love, buy several bras the same size. Bra manufacturers frequently discontinue styles.
  • Do not overwear your bra mpaka mpenzi wako akukariri. The bra will loose the form and structure afu utakua hupendezi.
  • Signs of an overworn bra include: wrinkles in bra cup, rides up back, or slips off the shoulders.
Sasa warembo if you follow these tips and those perfect new bras will stay that way much longer. Na utafurahia kuzivaa feeling all sexy as you should be feeling.....na kumbuka duka letu [Trudy's Intimate Apparel] lipo Mwenge, nyuma ya Jamirex Buliding [Azania Bank] baada ya Msikiti wa Mwenge na kabla ya Tamal hotel....contacts: 0653 005544, info.trudysintimateapparel@gmail.com

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Pencil Test!!!!!


As we approach the end of October, the month of Breast Cancer Awareness, we at Trudy's still bring you topics on breasts, yes ladies.....breasts.

Ladies, have you ever heard of a pencil test?? Je, ulipimwa kwa kutumia kipimo hiki wakati unakua toka kwenye utoto/usichana kwenda kwenye uwanamke??/

Let me tell you about it na ntatafsiri kwa kifupi kwa wasiolewa kiswahili kidogo.....

Ndio, kweli kuna kipimo kinaitwa Pencil Test, kiko simpo tu wala usistuke….ni kipimo kinachoonyesha kama msichana/binti anahitaji kuaanza kuvaa sidiria/bra au bado muda wake haujafika. Kwa kawaida penseli inawekwa uvunguni mwa titi, penseli ikikaa tu na isianguke, binti anakua kafeli test hiyo hivo anahitaji kuanza kuvaa sidiria kupiga jeki matiti yake ila pale penseli inapowekwa na ikaanguka chini basi binti kafaulu hiyo test na hivo bado manyonyo yake yananguvu ya kusimama yenyewe na hayahitaji bra/sidiria.

********Mkumbuke tu kua hiki kipimo hakihusiani na size ya sidiria/bra*******
Yes there is actually a real test called the pencil test. This is a very simple test to determine if a girl actually needs to wear a bra or not. It has nothing to do with bra size. The test is to lift your breast up and place a pencil underneath it in the crease where your breast tissue meets the chest tissue then release your breast and allow it to hang in it's normal position. If your breast has enough hang to hold the pencil in place then they are large enough to require the use of a bra, but if the pencil falls out from under the breast then they are not large enough to need a bra.
Ok, natumanini mmenipata sasa, na mnaifahamu vizuri pencil test.......kazi kwenu.......

Monday, October 22, 2012

Nightwear: Night Suits

We at Trudy's tunauza nguo za kulalia, za beach, za kuogelea na cha msingi kabisa ni Chupi na Bra/Sidiria za material mbalimbali na design mbalimbali na kwa majira mbalimbali, hivyo basi tunakusihi; tembelea blog yetu na duka letu kila mara uweze kuona tutachokua tumekuandalia kila mara....
Kwa leo tutaanza na.....Night Suits za top na kaptula za cotton...

Hapa model wetu amevaa moja ya products zilizopo dukani kwetu....don't you just love it???
Ofcoz zipo design tofauti na rangi  na size tofauti tofauti katika stock yetu....

I think you agree with me nikisema this kind of night suit is definately sexy kuliko kanga tunazovaa haswa on those lazy weekends tunapokua tunaangalia repeats za akina maribel na wenzake...

Aisee kwa mwanamke/binti ku-look sexy ni muhimu......you know what they say about first impressions eh? sasa imagine boyfie au jamaa unayemuadmire balaa anakuja ghafla asbuhi na kukutwa umependeza hivi......haahahaha! Guaranteed lazima udenda umtoke.

These beautiful cotton night suits are very comfortable and allow you to be as playful as you want.They are perfect for Tanzanian weather, hata uwe unaishi Mbeya, Iringa, Mwanza hata Dar es Salaam...hali ya hewa yoyote inafaa.

Sasa natumaini picha inakuijia kichwani eh?? Pata yako sasa basi.....karibu sana dukani Trudy's Intimate Apparel  -  Mwenge, Dar es Salaam. Namba ya Simu: 0653 005544

Bra Fitting/ Kujipima Sidiria....

Ikiwa mwendelezo wa makala zetu za October, mwezi wa Cancer awareness, leo Trudy's tunakuletea topic inayohusu vipimo vya vifua na matiti yetu.Hujiwahi tembea ukwambona mwanamama au mwanadada amevaa sidiria/bra afu nyoyo zimesambaa kila mahala??? Well, ni kwasababu wengu hatujui size zetu wala hatujui jinsi ya kujipima ili tujue size zetu za vifua na manyoyo/matiti.

# Trudy’s PureFacts!!
 You should know kwamba katika maisha yako kifua na matiti yako yatabadilika ukubwa kwa wastani mara 6.Hivo ni muhimu jifunza jinsi ya kuchukua vipimo vyako.
You should also know that not only will a properly fitted bra feel more comfortable, but it will make your clothes fit and look better.Yaani ukivaa sidiria iliyo size yako na inayobeba matiti yako vizuri, nguo zako zitaonekana zimekukaa vizuri kifuani na utaonekana nadhifu zaidi.
So, kitu cha kwanza ni kujifunza jinsi ya kufanya hizo hesabu ili ujue size yako ya Sidiria/Bra:

1. Stand straight and relax. Na si usimame umevuta pumzi kama unataka kupuliza mishumaa kwenye keki birthday shoga yangu....we simama ukiwa umenyooka ila ukiwa umechill yani ume- relax.

2. Kwa kutumia tape measure ile anayotumia fundi cheherani [hili zoezi unaeza lifanyia kwa fundi pia ukipenda kama huna hivi vipimo home kwako] anza kujipima kwa kuanza kupitisha chini ya matiti yako [Yes,Using a soft tape measure, measure all the way around your body, placing the tape measure right beneath your breasts] andika kwenye karatasi kwa mfano: 31 ijumulishe kwa 5 utapata 36...Hongera sana....sasa umejua mzunguko wa kifua chako ni 36!

3. Next step: Kupima cup size, yani size ya chakula cha mtoto AKA titi wakati ukiwa umevaa bra/sidiria yako. Jipime kuzunguka kifua chako kwa juu ya matiti yako kabisa bila kujibana lakini...na kwa mfano kipimo kikaonesha namba 38.

4. Basi toa namba ya kifua chako ile uliyojipima juu na ile mwamzoni chini ya matiti [kwenye uvungu wa matiti yako] Kwa hiyo itakua hivi: 38 - 36 = 2


Sasa hilo jibu litakupa kipimo halisi ya bra/sidiria size gani unatakiwa uvae kama tulivoonesha hapa chini:Hivo basi, unatakiwa ununue brazia/sidiria size 36B
Haya jamani, natumani umejifunza jambo hapo......ila kama inakuwia vigumu...karibu Dukani kwetu Mwenge tukupime uone na ununue bra/sidiria nzuri zitakazokufanya ujisikie rahaaaa........namba zetu: o653 005544 au kwa mawasiliano zaidi tucheck kwa email:info.trudysintimateapparel@gmail.com

Friday, October 19, 2012

October...World's Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Trudy's Intimate Apparel tukiwa kama wadau tunaodeal na mavazi na ya kike ya ndani, tunawajali wateja wetu na afya zenu. Si unajua tena bila ninyi hakuna sisi.....leo tumeamua kuwapa taarifa fupi tu kuhusu mwezi wa Kumi...mwezi ambao tunawakumbuka waliotutangulia mbele za haki kutokana na gonjwa la Kansa ya Matiti pia ni mwezi wa kuraise awareness kuhusu gonjwa lenyewe.

All around the world this October, you will notice the color pink. These lights are to symbolize the importance of the early detection of breast cancer, an illness that remains the most common cancer to affect women in both the developed and the developing world


The WHO states that, "the cornerstone of breast cancer control still remains early detection in order to improve breast cancer outcome and survival." The main impediments to early detection, according to the WHO, are a lack of awareness about the disease  ni wangapi kati yetu tunaielewa vizuri kansa ya matiti??] and inadequate access to healthcare [kweli hii jamani....Bongo tuna Ocean Road Hospital tu ndo ime-specialize kwenye kutibu na kufanya utafiti wa Kansa]. Late diagnosis [ hapa Bongo mpaka ujue kinachokusumbua ni kansa ya matiti.....its too late] makes survival less likely, and of the half a million women who die of breast cancer each year, 70 percent are in the world's poorer nations.
Support this endevour kwa ku-rock pamba za pink......
Mpaka hapo kwa ufupi natumaini umeelewa why events such as Breast Cancer Awareness Month are so crucial, disseminating information and alerting people to the benefits of being familiar with the signs of the illness. So akina dada unaposikia kuna breast cancer screening campaign, tengeneza muda and go get tested bus atleast mara moja kwa mwaka, tusidharau sana.
Pia unaweza jicheki wewe kwanza kwa kufuata utaratibu huu:
Breast Self Exam (BSE) - simple 5 Steps

Step 1
Look at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. Look for --usual size, shape, and color --evenly shaped breast without visible distortion or swelling.

Step 2 and 3
Raise your arms and look for changes.
You can squeeze each nipple between your finger and thumb and check for discharge (this could be a milky or yellow fluid or blood)

Step 4
Feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast.- Cover the entire
breast from top to bottom, side to side.

Step 5
Feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Cover your entire breast, using the same movements described in Step 4
There are also things that we can do on an individual level. Excessive alcohol intake, obesity and physical inactivity all affect our risks of developing this illness and there are many other factors sijaziweka hapa. We all have the power to equip ourselves with knowledge of the causes and symptoms of breast cancer and October's Breast Cancer Awareness campaigns by MEWATA are doing an excellent job of reminding us of just that.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Night Wear: Cotton Night Dresses

We have a saying here at Trudy's that we tend to you alot.......Cotton is still sexy. We also stock cotton night dresses za design mbali mbali na size mbalimbali...
We all know and you will agree with me that most of us tunapenda kuvaa night dress zetu mpaka asbuhi tunapokua tunafanya kazi mbalimbali za usafi haswa on weekends...juu tukiwa tumetupia kipande cha kanga.....sio mbaya sana lakini basi isiwe kuukuu! kama model wetu tunavomuona kapendeza mwenyewe.....

Being a little playful can't hurt jamani.....as they say girls just wanna have fun!!!!

Order your now or visit our shop, we have different designs and sizes in stock......karibuni!!!! For more details holla at: info.trudysintimateapparel@gmail.com or call us at: 0653 005544

Where is the Trudy's Intimate Apparel Shop/Store??

Now that you know what we are all about ladies....oh and gents [wanaowajali wapenzi wao]!!!

Duka letu lipo Mwenge nyuma ya jengo la Jamirex (yup! lile refu pale Mwenge) baada ya Mwenge Masjid na kabla ya Tamal hotel.

Na kama utaona unapotea please....call this number : 0653 005544  na utaelekezwa kwa ukarimu ili ufike na ujionee. Ila pia unweza wasiliana nasi kwa email: info.trudysintimateapparel@gmail.com tukuelekeze zaidi na kujibu maswali yako zaidi.

What to look for to know that you've come to the right place???

Ukiona bango hilo ujue umefika dukani kwetu.....

               Haya karibu sasa tuendeleee......................................

Trudy's Intimate Apparel


                                Trudy's Intimate Apparel

Well, Trudy's Intimate Apparel  is a women's Intimate Apparel shop/ store   located in Mwenge - Dar es Salaam offering high quality affordable lingerie ranging from naughty, sexy, provocative and playful panties, bras, nightwear, swimwear and beachwear for women of all ages, sizes and curves. Yep, your read it right! We cater for women of all ages, sizes and curves ladies. so now you know!!!

So what makes as unique??
Well, here at Trudy’s, we embrace every woman’s characters and curves, anxieties and aspirations, soul and spirit and above all else individual, personal needs. We know women are multi-layered, complex and intriguing and that is why We take great care and time to hand-pick a range of highest quality exclusive lingerie, nightwear, swimwear and beachwear that will make you feel so feminine, so comfortable and sexy, even if you don’t show anyone else!

Yet we haven’t forgotten that comfortable can be sexy too, hence we are constantly searching for the right lingerie, nightwear, swimwear and beachwear to bring to you, with an emphasis on style but also more importantly on fit.We believe finding out your desires and discovering your fantasies is a personal  and Intimate rite of passage and we encourage you to enjoy the encounter when you choose your perfect fit lingerie at Trudy's.

With a wealth of knowledge and experience, we provide a personal, one-to-one service to ensure the perfect fit of the perfect piece. We are devoted to making you feel your most feminine and once you have celebrated your first purchase with us, we are sure your old favourites will be banished to the bin, and you along with our other happy customers, will become firm friends with us here at Trudy’s.